My Story

Book and cuo of coffee for calm envrironment
I found Kinesiology through my own health journey. After an incredibly traumatic sexual abuse experience, I found my already anxious tendencies escalate to a point where I didn't know how to find joy anymore. Western medicine had, unfortunately, failed me making me sicker resulting in debilitating gut issues, a weakened immune system, chronic infections and hormonal imbalances. I tried everything under the sun to get better, Naturopathy, Gastroenterologists, Gynecologists, acupuncture and even meditation retreats. Nothing worked long-term. That was until I found Kinesiology. 

After my first session, I had renewed sense of faith and positivity that I hadn’t felt in years. Suddenly all that I was going through started to make sense. Alongside the guidance of my kinesiologists at the time, I made emotional, spiritual, physical and biochemical shifts that resulted in me coming out happier and healthier than I had ever felt in my life. I just knew that it was my path to share this wonderful modality with the world and help others find the health and wellness that kinesiology had helped me find.

As a young adult, I was a professional dancer, then a Pilates instructor, and now I am also a Nutritionist and Kinesiologist. I incorporated my love of movement and healthy nutrition to support the emotional and energetic work we do in sessions. The result is an incredibly holistic approach, looking at all angles of the issue.

Essence Kinesiology

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Essence Kinesiology

Discover the difference kinesiology can make in your life today. Private one-to-one sessions available with Kinesiologist Alice Macann
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